Our only objective is to maximize your recovery. We have recovered millions of dollars for our clients since 1973. 443 - 902 - 1962 24/7/365                             Experience gained in thousands of cases.                        There is no substitute for experience!

Aggressive Slip and Fall Lawyer
Experienced Representation
Bruce Lamb, Attorney at Law
B.S., MLA., PhD, J.D.

"Our objective is mazimize your recovery!"
Upon receipt of your call we will tellyou how much your case is worth.
443 - 902 - 1962   24/7

When we receive your call we will evaluate your case and tell you how much your case is worth.

What is the slip and fall law in Maryland?

In Maryland, courts follow the doctrine of contributory negligence. Contributory negligence means that if the injured party suing for negligence in a slip and fall case is construed to have contributed to the incident at all, for instance by spilling a liquid on the floor and then slipping in it, that party can be completely barred from recovery.

What will happen if you slip on a wet floor?

People who slip and fall on a wet floor may experience nothing more than minor bruising. However, falls sometimes result in serious injuries, lingering pain and even a need for surgery. Common injuries from a slip on a wet floor include: concussion and head injuries.

How much is a slip and fall settlement in Maryland?

About five per cent of slip and fall cases in Maryland the cases had a final value in excess of five hundred thousand dollars.

How much are most personal injury settlements?

Between three thousand and seventy-five thousand dollars. An average personal injury settlement amount is anywhere between three thousand and seventy-five thousand dollars. Be careful when using a personal injury settlement calculator to figure out how much you might collect. These numbers really depend on your individual case and are hard to predict without a professional.

What questions to ask for a slip and fall case?

Questions we ask may include:

Why did you trip or slip and fall?

Where exactly did the slip or trip and fall occur?

Had you ever been at the location of the slip or trip and fall before the incident? ...

When did you realize the cause of your slip or trip and fall?

Did anybody see you when you fell? What is a very small settlement if the plaintiff's injury was slight?

There will be a very small settlement because the plaintiff’s injury was minor.

How much can you sue for pain and suffering in Maryland?

In Maryland, there is a cap on the amount of damages a plaintiff can receive for pain and suffering, also known as non-economic damages. In 2023, the cap on pain and suffering damages was nine hundred and twenty thousand dollars for an injury case and two million, one million, three hundred and eighty thousand dollars for a wrongful death.

How do you calculate emotional damages?

Once the attorney has filed for emotional distress damages, he or she will calculate a settlement amount using a multiplier.The attorney will add up all the economic or tangible damages, such as lost wages and medical expenses, then multiply that sum by a number, usually between one point five and three.

What constitutes emotional distress?

Though the wording differs from state to state, the basic definition of emotional distress is psychological suffering caused by someone else's actions, whether accidental or on purpose. Symptoms of emotional distress may include anxiety and depression.

How long does an insurance company have to investigate a claim in Maryland?

An insurer must notify you whether your claim is being denied or accepted within fifteen working days after receiving a properly executed proof of loss. This time can only be extended if the insurer writes to you explaining why the investigation has not been completed. What is the statute of limitations on slip and fall in Maryland?

Generally speaking, the slip and fall liability laws in Maryland offer a three-year statute of limitations on such cases. There can be exceptions in cases involving minor or other specific circumstances that may apply.

How do you know if your deposition went well?

You know your deposition is going well if you are answering questions to the best of your ability according to the advice of counsel. Your lawyers are there to protect your interests and object to questions you should not answer.Jan 17, 2023

Can I claim for slipping on wet floor?

This is their duty of care. It means that if you slipped on a wet floor at work, you could claim compensation if the accident happened because: Handrails were not installed to help prevent slips and falls when working in damp or wet areas.

What helps fall pain?

The best way will differ from person to person, but as a guide, you can: Roll onto your side. Push yourself up to a side sitting position. Slowly get onto your hands and knees. Crawl towards a sturdy piece of furniture that can support you to get up – such as a solid chair or sofa.

What to do when you slip on the bathroom floor?

Remain Calm and Assess the Situation Take Several Deep Breaths to Try to Relax. Remain on the floor and breathe deeply. ... Remain Still on the Floor or Ground for a Few Moments. Shut off the water if you can do so without getting up. ... Check for Cuts and Broken Bones. ... Slowly Get up on Your Hands and Knees. ... Administer First Aid.

What is the highest settlement for a slip and fall?

The largest settlement ever awarded in a slip and fall lawsuit was over 20 million dollars. This amount was awarded to the plaintiff, an elderly woman who suffered severe injuries after slipping on a wet tile floor in a hotel lobby.

How is pain and suffering calculated in Maryland?

In Maryland courts, juries look at a victim's personal and individual circumstances, and how the injury has had an effect on their life. Courts will look at factors like the following when determining pain and suffering: How the injury will affect their overall well-being and mental health. Loss of career or hobbies.

Can you sue for emotional distress in MD?

Intentional Infliction of Emotional Distress

Conduct must be intentional or reckless; Conduct must be extreme and outrageous; There must be a causal connection between the wrongful conduct and the emotional distress. Emotional distress must be severe.

How long do you have to sue in Maryland? Three years

What is a statute of limitation? The phrase "statute of limitations" refers to the limited period of time within which you can file a lawsuit against someone who harmed you. By default, in the state of Maryland, you have a period of three years after the act which caused you the harm to file a civil lawsuit.

What injuries are hard to prove?

Some injuries can change a person's life but are incredibly difficult to diagnose and treat. This is often the case when it comes to injuries such as nerve damage, whiplash, sprains, strains, mild traumatic brain injuries and concussions

Is slip and fall serious?

Slip and fall accidents can lead to serious injuries that leave victims unable to cover their medical expenses, work, or support their families.

What is the most common cause of slips and falls?

Spills, snow, ice, rain, loose rugs, mats, and stepladders are some of the common causes of slips, trips, and falls. In addition, clutter and poor lighting can cause injuries such as strains, sprains, bruises, bumps, fractures, scratches, and cuts.

What should you not say during a deposition?

Speaking in Absolutes

Using terms like never and always in your deposition answers may do more harm than good. Answering questions with these terms may make it sound like you are being belligerent about various topics.

Can you say I don't know in a deposition?

It is perfectly acceptable to say I don't know. If you don't remember, you say, I don't remember.

Is slipping considered accident?

Slip and fall" is a term used for a personal injury case in which a person slips or trips and is injured on someone else's property. These cases usually fall under the broader category of cases known as "premises liability" claims.

What injuries can you get from a wet floor?

Common Injuries Caused By Slips & Falls On Wet Floors

Fractured or sprained wrists. Head injuries including concussion injuries. Neck and back injuries. Torn ligaments, muscles and tendons.

What to do if someone is slipping on the floor?  

Five steps to take after a slip, trip, and fall Accident

Get medical treatment. Your health, or the health of a loved one, should be your first priority after a slip, trip, and fall accident. ...

Report the Accident. ...

Document Everything. ...

Call an Attorney.

What are the three types of falls?

Falls can be divided into three types:

Physiological anticipated. Most in-hospital falls fit into this category. ...

Physiological unanticipated.


What are signs to watch for after a fall?

Ten symptoms to watch for after a fall

You have ongoing pain. ...

You experience sudden, sharp pain. ...

You have a head injury. ...

You have back pain. ...

You suffer any serious laceration. ...

You have pain after your accident. ...

Your accident led to noticeable bruising. ...

You have any restrictions in movement.

When should you go to the doctor after a fall?

Most bruises and bumps heal without medical attention. However, if pain from a fall lasts more than a few hours or if you are unable to bear weight or move an arm without pain, be sure to get medical help.

Where do people fall the most at home?

The most common in areas to fall are on the stairs, in the bathroom, in the living room and the garden. Each year, one in four people over sixty-four years of age will fall on stairs, Thirteen per cent of older adults are injured in the bathroom, thirty-one percent in the living room, and twenty-three percent in the garden.

What should you do after a slip in the shower?

The first thing to do after falling in the shower is to remain calm. Next, check for injuries. Then, if you can, roll to a better position and try to get to a seated position before attempting to stand.

What are four signs that an injury is severe?

Symptoms of an acute injury include:

Severe, sudden pain.

Extreme bruising or swelling .

Being unable to place weight on a foot, leg, knee, or ankle.

Not being able to bend a joint normally.

Extreme weakness of an injured arm or leg.

A joint or bone that is visibly out of place























